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Financial Investing

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A Lesson from Bedtime Reading

Reading every night before bed is a favorite in our household. One of our favorite books is called The Rainbow Fish.
Rainbow fish is a beautiful fish with sparkling, magnificent scales. He swims along happily flashing his beautiful self for all the other fish to envy. One tiny blue fish has the gumption to ask Rainbow Fish if he would share one of the sparkling scales. Initially, Rainbow Fish is appalled. They are his scales, after all. Why would he give away his scales? After a serious conversation with a wise octopus and some serious soul searching, Rainbow Fish offers tiny blue fish a scale. This offering does something strange to Rainbow Fish. He feels better after sharing one of his prized possessions. Soon, all the other fish in the sea begin to seek their very own flashy scale. Wouldn’t you know it, the more generous Rainbow Fish was with his scales, the more content he became!
There are many lessons we can learn from Rainbow Fish. The one that matters most for this conversation is the fact that the more he gave, the more he recieved. This notion bodes well for our finances. The more we give to investment accounts, the more we’ll receive in returns.

A Lesson from Scripture

Scripture is clear on this matter of investing. When we sow money into investment opportunities, we will reap the benefits of compounding. The more money we put into these accounts, the more return on investments we receive.

Our money needs a place to grow and multiply over time. This is possible through investing.

There are multiple ways to invest our money. Stocks and bonds, 401k plans, Individual Retirement Accounts, and real estate investing are just a few examples. Investing isn’t exclusive to high income families. Anyone has the ability and opportunity to invest! Investing takes money and just as importantly, time. The sooner you start investing, the better!

Next Steps helpful links to get started on an investment plan